IX festival of school theaters “The January Blizzard is Ringing” (festival partner - Open Theater)
VIII festival of school theaters "January blizzard is ringing" (partner of the festival - Open Theater)
One Such Man
Body"One Such Man" play performance in Vilnius
Performance of "Kitten" in the gymnasium "Laisvės" (Naujoji Vilnia)
Three performances rehearsals start at once
BodyRehearsals of three performances started at once: "Sunday show" (director Boris Kozlov), "Women by ad" (director Svetlana Baranauskiene), "#ятакдолготебяискал" (director Ed. Saszko)
Master class "Creative Method of M. Chekhov"
BodyCameraman Alexander Makarov
Website launch
"Sokolov" play show in Vilnius